End Fossil Finance Rally March 3rd 2023
The federal government provides billions of dollars in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry each year, further funding the climate crisis and undoing any positive action to address it. The government must commit to ending all fossil fuel subsidies, and this must be reflected in the 2023 federal budget.
Read our open letter to Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland and consider emailing it to her and your MP!
Sample Tweets on ending fossil finance
Canada gives billions of dollars in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry each year, adding fuel to the flames of the climate crisis. It’s time to #EndFossilFinance
Canada first committed to phasing out fossil fuel subsidies in 2009, and it still hasn’t happened yet. It’s time for the federal government to #EndFossilFinance
To address the climate crisis, we need to stop funding the cause of the problem: fossil fuels. Yet Canada gives billions of dollars to the fossil fuel industry each year. This budget, we must #EndFossilFinance

September 2022 Climate Strike
1- Canadians need climate action that is national, provincial and local. Always #VoteForClimate.
2- We want Canada to be a leader with an immediate moratorium on all new fossil fuel projects- including those under construction like the Trans Mountain Pipeline and Bay du Nord. Justin Trudeau, end fossil fuel subsidies and put a real cap on emissions in the race to a zero carbon future!
3- We must invest in renewable local energy and affordable electric transit that works for all.
4- Move Ottawa away from gas heating to zero emissions heating systems such as heat pumps.
5- Canada needs a Just Transition Act that supports workers and communities building a 100% clean energy economy at the speed that science and justice demand. #LeaveNoOneBehind.
The time is short. The task is great. If we don’t get this right, nothing else matters.

Revendications de Climat GO
1- Taxer massivement la richesse et réinvestir massivement dans le filet social, afin d’assurer des conditions de vie décentes pour toutes et tous.
2- Bannir les énergies fossiles d’ici 2030, autant en termes de production, de transformation, d’exportation que d’importation.