What We’re Doing
Get ready: the 2024 Ottawa Climate March is happening on Saturday, September 21st beginning at 11AM at Ottawa City Hall!
Click here to read more about the march!

Who We Are
Fridays for Future is a youth climate movement inspired by the actions of activist Greta Thunberg. Since 2018, Fridays for Future has grown into a global movement with local chapters all around the world–including here! We represent the Ottawa-Gatineau branch of Fridays for Future.
The core organizing team for the Fridays for Future Ottawa is a small intergenerational team of volunteers. We believe we need to come together to demonstrate and express our concern about climate breakdown. We want our political leaders and governments to step up with urgent collective action to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees and protect populations from climate risks.
We want to collaborate with civil society organizations, schools, colleges, universities, faith groups, community groups, youth organizations, rights groups, social movements, health institutions, networks, businesses, unions, families and peoples of all genders and backgrounds.
Want to Get Involved?
If you want to join our team, collaborate with us or join our mailing list, please reach out by email to info@fridaysforfutureottawa.org or by completing our contact form.